General Information



Product Guide

The ideal model for feeding small pieces is the STEFF 2038 -CI. Thanks to its track-driven system instead of wheels, it offers optimal grip on small pieces, preventing them from getting stuck between rollers.

Please refer to the attached image for further details.

use and maintenance, comparisons

Please, watch the enclosed video ...

assembling, adjustment

The special Semi-Hub roller, patented by Maggi, allows for the replacement of the worn rubber without having to change the entire wheel—only the outer coating needs to be replaced. This ensures significant cost savings and reduces waste, resulting in a lower environmental impact. Additionally, this innovative system helps to reduce roller wear by over 50% compared to standard rollers.

For a visual explanation, please refer to the attached image.

Wheels, use and maintenance, Rollers, accessories, options

The "rubber coating for Semi-Hub System 120 x 60 mm" accessory (code 31301019) does NOT include the two aluminum semi-supports that are needed to complete the wheel and must be ordered separately (code 41300062).

For the old variant "rubber coating for Semi-Hub System 110 x 50 mm" (code 31500062), the aluminum semi-hub is NO longer available as it has been out of production for several years.

Wheels, Rollers, accessories, options

The two Semi-hub supports can be replaced either as a pair or individually, depending on your needs and the level of wear.

Single Semi-hub accessory - 120x60 mm - code (41300062)

Wheels, Rollers, accessories, options

The lever located on the baty of the aforementioned feeders is essentially a gear shift that allows you to quickly double the available speeds without having to change the internal gears.

adjustment, use and maintenance, equipment

For the correct use of the feeder and to preserve the internal gears from sudden breakages, it is important to ensure that the engine is turned off before turning the speed change lever located on the baty.

adjustment, use and maintenance

Attached is the list of recommended spare parts for BORING SYSTEM 46.

For pricing information, please contact our spare parts office (

spare parts

Attached is the complete list of recommended spare parts for the above stated boring machines ...

For pricing information, please contact our spare parts office ( )."

spare parts

Attached is the complete list of recommended spare parts for the above stated radial arm saws...

For pricing information, please contact our spare parts office ("

spare parts

Attached is the complete list of recommended spare parts for the "BEST S" radial-arm-saw models.

For pricing information, please contact our spare parts office ("

spare parts

The semi-hub supports measuring 100x50 mm are no longer available. Currently, the Steff 2033 and STEFF 20316 POWER feeders are equipped with semi-hubs measuring 120x60 mm. However, the rubber coatings for semi-hubs measuring 100x50 mm are still provided under code: 31500062.

Wheels, Rollers, accessories, options, equipment, spare parts

The standard gears provided for speed doubling are as follows:

STEFF 2038 and 2048 SMART = Gears Z43, Z22

STEFF 2032 = Gears Z46, Z24

STEFF 20316 POWER = Gears Z30, Z35"

equipment, spare parts

Yes, our power-feeder with belts, model STEFF 2038-CI, is available only in the 3-pulley version.


Please refer to the attached drawing...

use and maintenance, recommended tools

For the lubrication of the axes, You should use OLIO IP HYDRUS OIL 32, item number 00007907.

use and maintenance, usage tips

The useful stroke of the gripper on the X axis is 600 mm.

use and maintenance, technical details

The variables that determine the speed of the machine’s execution, and its performance, in relation to a given job are numerous:

- Clamp stroke

- Clamp movement speed (X axis) with and without panel

-Head movement speed (Y axis)

-Z axis speed (which is set by the operator based on the material to be drilled, hole diameter, etc.)

-Number of holes to be made, their diameter and depth, the position of the holes on the panel.

Therefore, the only way we have to establish the machine's execution time for a given job is to analyze the drawing with the program to be executed and perform a simulation.

For more information about the product and for a simulation of execution times, feel free to contact our sales consultants by writing to: 

adjustment, usage tips, technical details

Attached is the technical drawing of the blade tool for BS 800 GT.

use and maintenance, compatibility, accessories, options, dimensions, recommended tools

The INSTALLED POWER of the machine is 10 KVA at full load. The ABSORPTION AMPERAGE is 23A, also at full load. The power cables are four: the three phases (L1+L2+L3) + ground. No NEUTRAL CABLE is provided. The power cable cross-section is 4x6 mm².

use and maintenance, motors, equipment, technical details

No, at the moment it is not possible for the E.P. drilling machine model BS 800 GT software to manage individual 3D files or projects created with Cabinet software. The BS 800 GT software can only manage text format files.

compatibility, equipment, software

BS 323 and BS 323 DIGIT are equipped with 3 motors each, one for each drilling head. Each head can be operated independently from the control panel.

motors, equipment, technical details

Please, refer to the enclosed table ...

For quotations, plesae, set in contact to our spare-part dpt. :

spare parts

Please, watch the video ...

adjustment, equipment, usage tips

See the enclosed drawings ...

dimensions, technical details

See enclosures extracts from the user manual... 

adjustment, equipment, Documents, technical details

The settings or parameters that I can electronically adjust on the touch screen are: the tilt and feed rate of the head, height, and drilling depth.

adjustment, software

The HINGE AGGREGATE accessory (see available types in the attachment) is used to create the 3 holes necessary for the application of a hinge in a single working cycle.

MOUNTING The mounting is easy and fast, you just need to click the aggregate onto the quick-change bushings (accessory) present on the vertical heads of the BS 323 and/or BS 323 DIGIT, as shown in photo A. The hinge aggregates can be mounted in any position on the head, taking into account the rotation direction of the spindles on which the head is applied (red spindle - left rotation / black spindle - right rotation). If, for example, the central attachment of the head (which is the one that transmits the rotation to the bits) will be positioned on a BLACK spindle, then the central bit of the head (35 mm diameter bit) will rotate to the right, and consequently the two smaller side bits will rotate to the left, and vice versa in the opposite case (see attached image B).

ADJUSTMENTS When making the holes for the hinge with the aggregate, the drilling depth setting is similar to what would be done by applying a bit with a length of 85 mm (see attached image C), the vertical head must be positioned perpendicular to the operator and the panel must be transverse to the machine (see attached image D).

assembling, positioning, adjustment, use and maintenance, accessories, options

See enclosed picture ...

positioning, dimensions, technical details

See the enclosed picture ...

positioning, dimensions, technical details

See attached drawings .. 

dimensions, technical details

See attached drawings ...

dimensions, technical details

See the attached drawings ...

dimensions, technical details

See attached drawings ...

dimensions, technical details

In the range of Maggi feeders, there is already a specific model with tracks, namely the STEFF 2038-CI (see product data sheet in the products section of the website). The replacement of the rollers with tracks, through the special PULLEY AND TRACK KIT (Spare part to be ordered separately) is possible ONLY on the 3-ROLLER PROFESSIONAL models, such as: STEFF 2034, STEFF 2038, STEFF 38 SMART, but this operation must be carried out by a specialized technician. For more information, we invite you to contact our service department (

comparisons, consultancy

See document enclosed ...

technical details

Please, see the enclosures ...

technical details

The electrospindle groups (or milling groups), with manual change, that we provide as an accessory for the E.P. BS 1200 EVO drill are equipped with ER collets all of the DIN 6499 type.

However, the internal diameters and tolerances vary as follows for the 3 types of milling group available:

1) Milling group code 27845754: ER 25 COLLET - fixed - internal diameter 16 mm (applicable internal diameter from 1 to 16 mm)

2) Milling group code 27845755: ER 32 COLLET - fixed - internal diameter 16 mm (applicable internal diameter from 2 to 20 mm)

3) Milling group code 27845752: ER 25 COLLET - with HSK 32 collet holder - internal diameter 15 mm (applicable internal diameter from 1 to 16 mm)

comparisons, accessories, options

See the attached image...

accessories, options, recommended tools, technical details, consultancy

The difference between the electrospindle group (milling group) with FIXED ER 25 and ER 32 COLLETS and the one with HSK 32 COLLET HOLDER can be appreciated in the attached image...

In the first case (fig. A), the milling tool is inserted into the collet of the electrospindle group integrated into the head, and whenever you want to change it, you must extract the tool and put another one, updating the tool settings in the software each time (length, diameter, etc... estimated change time 10 min.).

In the case of the HSK 32 collet holder, instead, (fig. B) it is possible to pull out the entire collet holder from the electrospindle group, with the tool still inserted, and attach a new collet holder, also with the bit already inserted; in this way (having previously set the values of the new bit in the software and saved them), you can change the milling cutter much more quickly by simply recalling the relevant setting, and avoiding having to repeat the setting each time you change the tool (estimated change time 2 min.).

By purchasing multiple HSK 32 collet holders, you will be able to create your tool storage always ready for use!

comparisons, accessories, options

MAXIMUM FLOW RATE: 750 m³/h - minimum requirement PRESSURE: 4,800 Pascal - minimum requirement SUCTION SPEED (160 mm diameter pipe): 25 m/sec., max. 50 m/sec. FILTERING SURFACE: 17 m² - minimum requirement SUCTION MOUTH DIAMETER AND NUMBER: 2 x 120 mm, 1 x 80 mm

adjustment, use and maintenance, usage tips, technical details, consultancy

CHANNEL WIDTH Theoretically, with the blade group of the BS 1200 EVO, channels of any width can be created, as it is sufficient to repeat the cutting cycle multiple times until the desired measurement is obtained. Considering a single work cycle, the maximum width that can be achieved is the thickness of the blade. The blade included in the cutting group has a thickness of 4 mm, however, blades with a thickness of up to a maximum of 8 mm can be mounted.

CHANNEL DEPTH The maximum depth of the channel that can be created is 22 mm.

use and maintenance, accessories, options, recommended tools, technical details, consultancy

The optimal pneumatic pressure is 6 Bar constant at 5000 l/min per work cycle.

adjustment, use and maintenance, usage tips, consultancy

The maximum and minimum length of the bits that can be applied to all horizontal spindles of the BS EVO 1200 are respectively 77 mm and 57 mm.

accessories, options, recommended tools, technical details, consultancy

The milling cutter of the BS 1200 EVO can perform milling from bottom to top (milling cutter in a vertical position relative to the work surface) and only on the surface of the panel, not on its thickness (e.g., recesses for inserting locks or Clamex-type joints) because the unit does not have an angle transmission.

accessories, options, technical details
  • HEAD UNIT: "FAM" (Italy) based on Maggi design"
equipment, technical details

The maximum Z-axis travel is 70 mm

adjustment, technical details

The maximum height for horizontal drilling is 30 mm on 3 sides (front and back of the panel and the side opposite to the handling clamp) and max. 20 mm on the clamp side"

adjustment, technical details

The maximum and minimum length allowed for vertical drill bits is 85 mm and 57 mm respectively

adjustment, accessories, options, recommended tools, technical details, consultancy

DRILLING HEAD: Manufactured by "FAM" (Italy) BRUSHLESS MOTORS: "DELTA" brand (Taiwan) CNC CONTROL: "ELCO" brand (Italy)"

equipment, technical details

The optimal pneumatic pressure is 6 / 8 BAR"

usage tips, technical details, consultancy

The maximum panel weight that the BS 800 GT suction cup can transport is 25 Kg"

technical details, consultancy

The attached image shows the necessary workspace ...

use and maintenance, dimensions, usage tips, consultancy

The attached image shows the necessary workspace...

use and maintenance, dimensions, usage tips, consultancy

The attached image shows the necessary workspace..

use and maintenance, dimensions, usage tips, consultancy

The maximum milling depth is 52 mm (max. cutter length 110 mm - usable 52 mm)

recommended tools, technical details

The STEFF 2033 and STEFF 20316 POWER models are fitted with SEMI-HUB rollers ONLY and cannot be replaced with standard rollers. See the attached image to appreciate the differences between standard rollers and SEMI-HUB rollers.

Wheels, comparisons, Rollers, equipment, spare parts, consultancy

The maximum and minimum lenght of the drill-bits that I can apply on the vertical spindles of the BS 800 GT is 77 mm e 70 mm respectively

The maximum and minimum lenght of the drill-bits that I can mount on the horizontal spindles of BS 800 GT is respectively  77 mm and 57 mm

equipment, recommended tools, consultancy

The special drill bit for creating Cabineo joint holes, using MACRO SOFTWARE Cabineo (an exclusive accessory for the BORING SYSTEM 21 TECHNOLOGY model), must be positioned at the 3 points on the drilling head where the slots for large-sized drill bits are located, as can be seen in the attached image."

accessories, options, usage tips

The maximum height at which I can position the wheels of the power-feeder relative to the work surface may vary depending on the model (please refer to the image for the specific data related to your model of interest). On the other hand, the minimum height is always zero, as the wheels will always make contact with the work surface

positioning, stand unit, universal stand , foot, Wheels, Rollers

First of all, it is necessary to set the most appropriate feeding speed according to the type of processing to be carried out.

The right working speed is determined by considering various aspects: the type of material to be feeded (weight and surface finish) and the extent of the processing or removal to be performed.

As a good rule of thumb, the more important the processing and the heavier the piece to be feeded, the lower/slower the selected speed should be.

In addition to the feeding speed, the choice of the type and number of rollers is also important:

Soft rubber rollers with high grip are for very smooth and lacquered surfaces

Hard rubber rollers with high resistance are for rough surfaces

Steel wheels are for rough surfaces

Rubber tracks are for short and narrow pieces

To feed long pieces, we recommend purchasing the STEFF 2068 power-feeding unit with 6 rollers.

Discover more about speed and the types of rollers available by viewing the attached images!

use and maintenance, comparisons

Please, make reference to the enclosed pictures and instructions with respect to each model ... 

assembling, positioning, adjustment, stand unit, universal stand , foot

Please, watch the enclosed video ...

positioning, adjustment

Please refer to the attached speed table.

adjustment, comparisons

Please refer to the attached table for the available stand types ...

stand unit, universal stand , cross-shaped support , foot, comparisons, accessories, options

In the attachment, you will find the complete comparison table of all models in the Maggi power-feeders line.

comparisons, technical details

Maggi power-feeders are available in the following voltages: 

400-50-3 ph








motors, voltages

On all power-feeding units (excluding STEFF 2032, STEFF 2033, and STEFF 20316 POWER), it is possible to install softer springs (Accessory on request - code 41200013) to achieve greater cushioning (suspension) of the wheels (> 20 mm). One spring is required for each wheel.

assembling, adjustment, Wheels, Rollers

The rollers we mount on our power-feeders differ from each other in TERMS OF TYPE, MATERIAL, and DIMENSIONS.


STANDARD: with aluminum support and FIXED rubber coating

SHS: with "Semi-Hub" aluminum support and REPLACEABLE rubber coating


Rubber: patented vulcanized "Feeder Grip" with high grip and durability, available in different SHORE indices (which determine the hardness and flexibility of the rubber for various uses)

ROLLERS 40 Shore: softer rubber, offers greater grip suitable for dragging coated materials, very smooth surfaces, and delicate finishes.

ROLLERS 50, 65, and 70 Shore: harder rubber, suitable for dragging standard panels, semi-finished products, with rough surfaces.

CAST IRON ROLLERS: for dragging raw wood.


The rollers that are standardly mounted on professional power-feeders are STANDARD rubber rollers, 120 x 60 mm with 50 Shore hardness.

The STEFF 2033 and STEFF 20316 POWER feeding units are equipped with SHS rubber rollers, 120 x 60 mm - 50 Shore.

The STEFF 2032 is equipped with standard rubber rollers, 80 x 28 mm - 50 Shore

Wheels, use and maintenance, comparisons, Rollers, accessories, options

As of today, our range does NOT include a stand with motorized positioning, but only manual.

positioning, adjustment, stand unit, universal stand , cross-shaped support , foot, accessories, options

Yes, it is possible to apply a new power-feeding unit to an old stand, as long as it is manufactured by Maggi; however, it is always advisable to verify compatibility by measuring the following dimensions, as per the attached drawing:

- Diameter of the hole in the horizontal tube, and diameter of the base hole: 58 mm

- Inner diameter of the collar hole: 75 mm

- Height (thickness) of the collar: 30 mm

Attention! STEFF 2032 and STEFF 2033 models are always supplied complete with a stand; it is not possible to purchase only the feeding unit without its stand.

assembling, stand unit, universal stand , cross-shaped support , foot, use and maintenance, compatibility

Please, make reference to the enclosed pictures and video

assembling, adjustment, use and maintenance, accessories, options

Yes, it is completely normal for the motor of a feeder to reach high temperatures (even up to 50°C) during operation without causing any damage or affecting the proper functioning of the device. This is a typical characteristic of the equipment when in use.

use and maintenance, motors

The Maggi rubber-coated rollers are made from vulcanized rubber, which is treated at high temperatures. This process protects the product from wear in temperatures ranging from -20 °C to +40 °C, making them resistant to weather conditions and ensuring a long lifespan.

The lifespan can vary depending on the type of processing and the material being conveyed.

Wheels, use and maintenance, Rollers, accessories, options

The Maggi feeders are supplied complete with an electric cable (3 meters long for professional and semi-professional feeders and 1 meter for the STEFF 2032), but they do NOT come with a power plug. The compatible plug variants for different machine tools are numerous and have very different characteristics depending on the country, making it impossible to standardize their supply.

use and maintenance, compatibility, equipment

All Maggi feeders - except for the STEFF 20316 POWER - are also available in the single-phase version.

motors, voltages, equipment


LUBRICATION TYPE A: SLIDING POINTS ON THE STAND: Thread of the crosspiece, lifting screw, and rack of the horizontal tube. Lubricate with grease type "Persian Poligrease EP/2" or equivalent. Frequency: As needed, if the parts show excessive friction.

LUBRICATION TYPE B: WHEELS through grease fittings/nozzles located on the shafts of the rollers and under the feeder. Lubricate with the appropriate lubrication pump (provided with the feeder), pumping the grease into the nozzles. Use grease type "Persian Poligrease EP/2" or equivalent. Recommended frequency: Every 3 months.

LUBRICATION TYPE C: OIL PAN AND TRANSMISSION Regularly check the oil inside the pan. The oil level should not drop below 4 cm. Use oil type "IP MELLA -NA 220" or equivalent. Recommended frequency: Every 6 months.


The STEFF 2033 model has wheels mounted on a bearing system, for which NO lubrication is necessary; therefore, the lubrications to be performed are exclusively types A and C.

The STEFF 2032 HOBBY model does not require lubrication on the wheels. The lubrications to be performed in this case are also exclusively types A and C.

use and maintenance

Please refer to the attached image to identify the standard color of the rubber, for the various types of available rollers ..

Wheels, Rollers, accessories, options, equipment

In the attached image, you will find the rollers that we supply as standard, for the different types of automatic power-feeding units.

Wheels, Rollers, equipment

TYPE A ADJUSTMENT: Positioning the feeder at 'Point 0'

The zero point represents the height at which the power-feeding unit must be positioned to correctly pull the piece. Since the feeder must exert a certain pressure on the piece, it is advisable to position it at a height such that the rollers remain 3/4 mm lower than the work surface. This distance represents the 'preload' that is intended to be exerted on the piece. The mentioned distance varies based on the pressure you want to exert and the type of processing.

TYPE B ADJUSTMENT: Unlocking the counter.

Using a 2.5 mm Allen key, act on the collar of the counter located under the handle and look for the release screw that is under the rubber sheath. Once the screw is found, unlock the counter from the lifting mechanism.

TYPE C ADJUSTMENT: Resetting the counter.

Once the counter is unlocked, by turning the screw around the axis of the handle, reach the position 0000-0. The last zero to the right of the line represents tenths of a millimeter.

TYPE D ADJUSTMENT: Locking the counter.

Once you reach zero, tighten the internal screw again to lock the movement of the counter to that of the lifting handle. By acting on the counter from this position (0), it is possible to adjust it to all the thicknesses of the panels that you intend to work on."

positioning, adjustment, stand unit, universal stand , cross-shaped support , foot, use and maintenance, accessories, options

In the attached image, you will find the dimensions and measurements of the accessory 'Tipper clamp 96' (code 22100151)."

assembling, positioning, foot, accessories, options, dimensions

The feeders are supplied with a 3-meter long electric cable; the only exception is the hobby feeder, STEFF 2032, which has a shorter cable, measuring 1 meter."


Attached is the complete list of recommended spare parts for the above stated single-head boring machines ...

For pricing information, please contact our spare parts office ("

spare parts

Attached is the complete list of recommended spare parts for the automatic feeders...

For pricing information, please contact our spare parts office ( )."

spare parts

Please see the attached video..."

assembling, positioning, adjustment, accessories, options

Please see the attached drawings..."

assembling, positioning, stand unit, universal stand , cross-shaped support , foot, dimensions

The vertical and horizontal tubes of the stands for the professional feeders (STEFF 2034 / 38 SMART / 2038 / 2038-CI / 2044 / 2048 / 48 SMART / 2068 / VARIO 3 / VARIO 4 / SUPERSONIC 3 / SUPERSONIC 4) have a diameter of 58 mm; while the tubes of the stands for the STEFF 2033 feeder have a diameter of 49 mm, and those for the STEFF 2032 feeder have a diameter of 40 mm.

stand unit, universal stand , cross-shaped support , foot, dimensions

It is a safety system that, thanks to the careful design of the cross support, prevents any risk of disconnection between the various components, even in the event of improper tightening by the operator, thus avoiding the risk of the power-feedig unit detaching and falling, which could cause injuries to the operators.

In the case where the support is mounted on a potential "Tilter" (see Fig. 2), the Elastic Pin System, through the pin (13b) (see Fig. 1), ensures that the vertical tube (11) does not slide out of the base (12), even if the handle has not been locked. This safety system also applies to the horizontal tube (10) (see Fig. 1), as the pin (13a) prevents the pipe (31) from sliding out of the tube itself."

assembling, adjustment, stand unit, universal stand , cross-shaped support , foot, safety

The distance between the mounting holes for professional feeders, specifically for rollers measuring 120 x 60 mm and 118 x 50 mm, is 48 mm, while for the 80 x 28 mm rollers, it is 32 mm. The SEMI-HUB rollers used on the STEFF 2033 and STEFF 20316 POWER models do not have mounting holes.

Please see the attached image for further clarity."

assembling, positioning, Wheels, Rollers, dimensions

Yes, the stands of the professional feeders are supplied with a pipe-joint-collar group (also called joint group or connection group) to allow connection to the feeding device.

Some models of power-feeders such as: STEFF 20316 POWER, STEFF 2033, and STEFF 2032, due to their particular design, do not require the collar; the stand is supplied only with a pipe that connects to the joint already mounted on the body (baty) of the feeder.

See images for further clarity..."

assembling, stand unit, universal stand , cross-shaped support , foot, comparisons, accessories, options, equipment

The STEFF 2033, thanks to its compact dimensions but professional performance, is undoubtedly the ideal model for working on a combination machine."

comparisons, usage tips

For the internal lubrication of the gears of our feeders (automatic advancements), we recommend using IP - MELLANA OIL / ISO VG 220.


Density at 15°C = 0.895

Viscosity at 100°C = 18.7

Viscosity at 40°C = 220

Viscosity index = 95

Flash point V.A. = 240

Pour point = -21

The complete technical data sheet and safety data sheet are available upon request ( )."

use and maintenance

The stand, or support, for the feeder consists of:

- A cast iron base, with mounting holes, for fixing to the machine tool table, or tilting device

-A vertical tube

- A crosshead assembly

- A horizontal tube with rack

- Positioning handwheels

- A top lifting handle

- A pipe assembly, joint, and collar for attaching the feeder 

(the stand for STEFF 20316 POWER, STEFF 2033, STEFF 2032 only includes the pipe assembly, while the joint assembly is provided pre-mounted on the baty - structure of the automatic power-feeder ; the collar is not needed.)

The STEFF 2033 and STEFF 2032 power-feeding units include the stand in the standard equipment, while all other models are sold WITHOUT a stand, which can be purchased separately as an accessory."

assembling, universal stand , cross-shaped support , foot, equipment

STEFF 2033 and STEFF 2032 power feeding units include the stand in the standard equipment, while all other models are sold WITHOUT a stand, which can be purchased separately as an accessory."

stand unit, universal stand , cross-shaped support , foot, comparisons, equipment

Please refer to the attached table for the available types of hinge aggregates ...

accessories, options

Please refer to the attached drawings for the requested information...

accessories, options, dimensions

 The hinge drilling aggregates attach to the spindles on the head with a simple click, just like regular drill bits.

assembling, accessories, options

Please refer to the attached image...

accessories, options, dimensions

Please refer to the attached documentation...

Documents, usage tips

 The quick-change chucks (code 36000061) are mechanical tool holders that allow for the rapid mounting and removal of drill bits on the head of the boring machine, without the need for additional tools, just a click!

accessories, options

No,  the single-phase motor version for these two models is NOT available at the moment 

motors, voltages, equipment

The E.P. drilling machines (BS 1200 EVO and BS 800 GT) are NOT currently available in the CSA version.

motors, voltages, certifications

Software devices (e.g., license to program from PC) and mechanical accessories (e.g., roller conveyor, tool kit) can be applied to the machine even after installation. However, additional work groups (blade group, additional spindles, etc.) CANNOT be added, EXCEPT by requesting an upgrade directly from the company, which must be performed on-site by specialized technicians. Such an upgrade would be ENTIRELY at the expense of the requester (including round-trip transportation costs).

assembling, accessories, options, equipment

Yes, these multi-head boring machines are also available in a single-phase motor format.

motors, voltages, equipment

No, these features are exclusive to the BORING SYSTEM 21 TECHNOLOGY model.

comparisons, equipment

Yes, the reference pins can be applied on both sides of the machine and used both individually and simultaneously

use and maintenance, accessories, options, usage tips

Yes,  Maggi semi-automatic boring machines, both single-head and multi-head, are also available in the single-phase motor format.

motors, voltages

Please, refer to the enclosures ...

assembling, accessories, options, usage tips

In traditional single-spindle drilling machines (BORING SYSTEM 21 PRESTIGE, BS 23, BS 29, and BS 35), the drilling angle is set manually by adjusting a reference stop on a metric rod, as shown in the video (at minute 4:55). In the BORING SYSTEM 21 TECHNOLOGY model, however, the drilling angle is set electronically via a touch-screen display (video at minute 2:46). Please refer to the videos of both types of machines for further reference."

adjustment, comparisons, equipment

The reference pin is not just a generic alternative to the bar; in the case of processing (inline vertical drilling) panels longer than 2 meters, it becomes ESSENTIAL to complete the work!

Look at the attached drawings; as you can see, the third and final part of the operation cannot be completed with just the bar because the profile is not long enough to provide the necessary references. Furthermore, the reference pin is always to be preferred over the bar and should be recommended to the customer when precision is an essential requirement!

use and maintenance, comparisons, usage tips

The maximum usable distance is 300 mm and corresponds to the maximum stroke of the rear stop as seen in the attached image...

technical details

Maggi radial saws are designed and constructed primarily for cutting solid wood and panels such as MDF, chipboard, plywood, laminated wood, and similar materials. However, by applying the right type of blade and using the necessary precautions, it is possible to obtain good quality cuts even on thin aluminum laminate sheets, such as those found in "sandwich" panels.

use and maintenance, usage tips

Maggi radial saw motors are available in three-phase (3PH) version, both at 50 Hz and 60 Hz, dual voltage (V. 400 / V.230). Different voltages are available upon request. Single-phase motors are available only for the JUNIOR 640 and BIG 800 models and only in 220 V. The motors of JUNIOR / BIG / BEST models have 4 HP / 3 Kw power, while the BEST S models have 7.5 HP / 5.5 kW power.

motors, voltages, equipment, technical details

Single-phase motors are available only for the JUNIOR 640 and BIG 800 models, in the 220 Volt version, at 50 or 60 Hz. The power is 3 HP (instead of 4 HP as in the 3 PH version).

motors, voltages, equipment

No, the radial saw head can be tilted for 45° cuts only on the left side, as shown in the figure.

adjustment, use and maintenance

The radial saw models JUNIOR/BIG/BEST can cut with the head tilted only at 45° (see attached image), WHILE THE BEST "S" RADIAL SAWS can cut with the head tilted at all intermediate angles between 0° and 45° with the ability to lock at all inclinations. Blade group inclinations beyond 45° are not possible.

adjustment, use and maintenance, comparisons, technical details

All radial saws can cut with the arm positioned at 45° both to the right and left, as shown in the image. Cutting is only possible at 45° and not at other angles because there are no intermediate locking devices. It is not possible to make cuts with an angle wider than 45°.

positioning, adjustment

The height of the feed roller, relative to the work surface, is adjusted by manually turning the handwheel positioned at the top of the vertical column of the stand; the STAND PLUS (cod. 13400600) also has a numeric counter on which the exact height can be read for more accurate and faster adjustment.

positioning, adjustment, stand unit, universal stand , cross-shaped support , foot, accessories, options

The current CE safety regulations for workplace safety do not permit trimming operations (as seen in the image), as they are considered dangerous for the operator. Maggi radial saws, in compliance with these regulations, have specific mechanical blocks that prevent this type of processing.

comparisons, equipment, safety

No, the Maggi radial saw motors are not multi-frequency; it is necessary to specify the desired type when ordering.

motors, voltages, equipment

Yes, all Maggi radial saw motors, both the 50 Hz and 60 Hz models, have dual voltage, meaning they can be connected to either 230 or 400 Volts as needed. Unless otherwise specified by the customer, motors for both 50 and 60 Hz are always connected to 400 Volts.

motors, voltages

Maggi radial saws can perform the cutting operations shown in the attached image.

comparisons, technical details

Milling operations, or having the blade group parallel to the work surface (90°), are not permitted by European Community safety regulations, as they are considered dangerous for the operator. The maximum inclination that the blade can reach is 45° to the left, as can be seen in the attached image.

adjustment, use and maintenance, safety, technical details

The maximum blade thickness that can be mounted inside the carter of Maggi radial saws is 4.5 mm.

recommended tools, technical details

The blade characteristics that Maggi offers as an accessory for its radial saws are as follows: The blades we provide are specifically for wood and come in two types: 400 mm diameter blade for JUNIOR / BIG / BEST radial saws and 565 mm diameter blade for BEST "S" radial saws.

The technical specifications for each blade type can be found in the attached images.

For cutting composite materials (for example, those with thin aluminum layers), specific blades must be used, which we do NOT provide, since our radial saws are mainly designed for solid wood and panel cutting.

accessories, options, recommended tools

As can be seen in the photo, the radial saw is packaged disassembled; the only groups already mounted are the arm + column group and the blade cover carter.

With a small optional supplement, it is possible to purchase the semi-assembled and boxed radial saw (see attached image), that is, with arm-column-work bench correctly mounted and perfectly squared by our professional assemblers.


Radial saws are equipped with an electrical cable but not with a plug, as plug types vary greatly from country to country and it would be impossible to provide a universally applicable solution. The plug to be applied must be an industrial type, red for 400 Volts (blue if connected to 220 Volts) with 16A, 4 poles. Once the plug is connected to the power cable, you must verify that the voltage of the electrical line to which you intend to connect the machine corresponds to the voltage and frequency of the motor's power supply. The values of voltage and electrical supply frequency are indicated on the nameplate located on the motor. Once the machine is connected, verify the correct rotation of the blade by referring to the specific plate on the blade guard.

voltages, equipment

The equipment of CE radial saws includes the following devices that are NOT present in STANDARD radial saws. The BEST "S" models are available only in the CE version:

  • Return spring for assisted repositioning of the blade group to the rear stop
  • Self-braking motor
  • Electrical system with motor protector and emergency button
  • Front lift handle (only for BEST 960, BEST 1250, BEST 1250 S models)
  • Wide MDF work surface with dimensions compliant with CE regulations
  • Chip collector with dust extraction preparation
comparisons, equipment

The return spring (also called "balancer") included in the standard equipment of CE radial saws, is a mechanical device that helps to lighten the weight of the head group during its return movement towards the rear stop, thus facilitating the operator's work; this movement, in compliance with CE safety regulations, is COMPLETELY MANUAL and does not involve any type of automation.

accessories, options, equipment, safety

The noise emission data for our radial saws are as follows:

LEQ (dBA) < 88 Sound pressure (Pa) MAX at the workstation < 92

The noise levels indicated do not necessarily represent safe operating levels. Although there is a relationship between emission levels and exposure levels, this cannot be reliably used to determine whether additional precautions are necessary. Factors that determine the exposure level to which the workforce is subject include exposure duration, workplace characteristics, other sources of dust and noise, etc., such as the number of machines and other adjacent processes. Permitted exposure levels can also vary from country to country. In any case, this information will allow the machine user to make a better assessment of danger and risk.

safety, certifications

The chip limiter (see image) limits the amount of wood that each tooth can remove. This increases the cutting edge's life over time and, more importantly, reduces the danger of blade kickback during work, making it suitable for cutting wood with falling knots and low-quality wood chips. Circular blades without a chip limiter do not guarantee user safety and can cause damage to both the workpiece and the operator.

accessories, options, safety, recommended tools

No, it is not possible to adjust the blade rotation speed on our radial saws. The rotation speed corresponds to the motor's revolutions, which is 2,800 RPM (revolutions per minute).

adjustment, motors, technical details

No radial saw in the Maggi range can mount a milling tool, because the maximum tool thickness that can be mounted inside the guard is 4.5 mm, while milling tools have greater thicknesses. Additionally, the milling tool is usually used for operations that require cutting with the blade positioned horizontally in relation to the work surface, an operation that on Maggi radial saws is not permitted for safety reasons and in compliance with CE regulations.

assembling, equipment, safety, recommended tools

In the attached file, you will find complete cutting diagrams for all radial saws in the Maggi JUNIOR, BIG, BEST, BEST "S" lines.

comparisons, technical details

In the attached file, you will find all the layouts with overall dimensions for each Maggi radial saw.

comparisons, dimensions, technical details

No, we do not offer blades different from those already described in the accessories section. Below are the details of the available blades (also see attached image):

  • Blade diam. 400 x (3) 3.8x30 mm z 60
  • Blade diam. 565 x (3.7) 4.5x30 mm z 96 with limiter
accessories, options, recommended tools

We recommend a dust extractor with a volumetric flow rate of at least 1100 (CUBIC METRES / HOUR).

use and maintenance, usage tips

Yes, it is possible, but obviously the cutting capacity will be modified, compared to the standard, in proportion to the smaller diameter of the blade used.

In particular, by mounting 400 mm diameter blades, the maximum cutting height will be 110 mm (instead of 200 mm); the maximum cutting width with the blade at 90°, on the other hand, will be as follows:

640 mm (instead of 570 mm) - BEST 700 S 

900 mm (instead of 850 mm) - BEST 960 S 

1,190 mm (instead of 1,140 mm) - BEST 1250 S

accessories, options, recommended tools

Yes, in the 400 mm blade guard, I can mount a smaller 300 mm blade and still be able to perform cutting operations; the capacity in both height and width will be reduced by 25% compared to the dimensions indicated in the table (see the attachment).

accessories, options, usage tips, recommended tools

Attached you will find all the layouts with the overall dimensions for each type of Maggi feeder.

comparisons, dimensions, technical details

Maggi boring machines can work with all types of panels (MDF, particleboard, plywood, hardwood...) as well as solid wood.

For working with solid wood, we recommend the BS 35 model, which is equipped with two motors and therefore has greater drilling power.

comparisons, compatibility, equipment, usage tips, technical details, consultancy

Attached is an exploded view with instructions for the correct installation of the "front lift" device.

assembling, adjustment, accessories, options, equipment

The HINGE AGGREGATE - accessory (see available types in the attachment) is used to create the 3 holes necessary for the application of a hinge in a single work cycle.

MOUNTING The mounting is easy and fast, you just need to click the hinge aggregate onto the quick-change bushings (accessory) present on the head of the boring machinel, as shown in image A. The hinge aggregate can be mounted in any position on the head, taking into account the rotation direction of each spindle (red spindle - left rotation / black spindle - right rotation). If, for example, the central spindle of the hinge aggregate (which is the one that transmits the rotation to the bits) will be positioned on a BLACK spindle (right rotation), then the central bit of the head (35 mm diameter bit) will rotate to the right, and consequently the two smaller side bits will rotate to the left, and vice versa in the opposite case (see attached image B).

ADJUSTMENT When making the holes for the hinge with the aggregate on a single-head boring machine, it is essential to carry out a careful adjustment and use specific bits with a maximum length of 28.5 mm to AVOID COLLISIONS between the hinge-aggregate itself and the head unit and/or with the panel to be machined!

The following are all the necessary instructions for optimal adjustment:

  1. The height of the boring head must be adjusted to a minimum of 35 mm using the special numerical counter (see attached photo C)
  2. The maximum drilling depth, to be set, through the Spiral System device, is 24 mm (the actual drilling depth will be 14 mm, considering the automatic differential of 10 mm installed on the machine (for more information on this point, see the corresponding FAQ :  AUTOMATIC 10 mm DIFFERENTIAL))
  3. The head must be positioned vertically (vertical drilling from the bottom)
  4. The clamping-unit holding bar must be moved to the end of the stroke (as shown in photo D)
  5. The rear fence must be positioned 54 mm from the zero point (as shown in photo E)
  6. The center of the 35 mm diameter bit on the hinge aggregate will be our reference for drilling and therefore for adjusting the squares on the top, the rear stop and any stops on the bar.
assembling, positioning, adjustment, use and maintenance, accessories, options

The rotation speed of the bits is 2800 RPM (revolutions per minute), which is the same as the motor speed, and it cannot be adjusted; however, it is possible to adjust the forward speed of the head, and therefore the entry speed of the bits into the panel, using a specific control located on the front of the machine.

adjustment, technical details

In the range of Maggi single-head drills, there are two types of fences on the tabletop:

For the BS 21 PRESTIGE, it has cast iron folding fences with manual adjustment on a metric scale bar with a magnify glass. The reference point for drilling is SINGLE and is represented by the central spindle on the head or zero point. The perfect parallelism of the fences is obtained using a special "compass" device (ACCESSORY).

For all other single-head drills: BS 21 TECHNOLOGY, BS 23, BS 29, BS 35, they have cast iron removable fences with manual adjustment on numerical counters. In this case, there are two reference points for drilling: the center of the first and last spindle. The setting of the two fences via high precision numerical counters always ensures perfect parallelism, without the need for additional adjustments.

See the attached image for more clarity.

adjustment, comparisons, equipment

See the attached instructions and images that refer to the semi-automatic single-head boring machines models with manual adjustment of drilling parameters: BS 21 PRESTIGE / BS 23 / 29 / 35

As for the BS 21 TECHNOLOGY, the adjustment of height, angle and drilling depth is ELECTRONIC via a TOUCH-SCREEN.

adjustment, equipment, technical details

The maximum usable distance between the shoulders of the single-head drill for the LONGITUDINAL passage of the panel varies by model. Here are the complete details, with an example image of the machining process attached...



BORING SYSTEM 23: 961 mm 

BORING SYSTEM 29: 1,153 mm 

BORING SYSTEM 35: 1,345 mm

dimensions, technical details

See the attached drawings ... 

dimensions, technical details

The hinge head units are offered by Maggi as accessories for their single-head and 3-head drills to allow the creation of the 3 holes for hinge application in a single drilling cycle. There are various types of head unit (see attached image), for each of which we recommend using specific 38.5 mm length drill bits (see attached image) - a 35 mm diameter center bit and 8 or 10 mm diameter side bits.

The hinge head unit can be installed on any spindle of the drill head, whether it rotates clockwise or counterclockwise, so the rotation direction of the bits is not a limiting factor. For ease of use, Maggi offers the 35 mm diameter center bit with a CLOCKWISE rotation and the side bits with a COUNTERCLOCKWISE rotation. The 3 bits can be purchased separately or as a kit.

accessories, options, usage tips, consultancy

Yes, all the Maggi radial saws in the CE version (for the European Community markets) have a SELF-BRAKING motor.

After the self-braking motor is turned off, it takes 10 seconds for the blade to come to a complete stop.

motors, equipment, safety, technical details

No, it is not possible to install pneumatic clamping devices; the workpiece hold-down is entirely manual.

adjustment, equipment, consultancy

No, the Maggi CE radial drills are NOT equipped with a "dead man" switch. The CE safety regulations for this type of machinery do not require the application of this device, as it would not contribute to increasing the operator's safety compared to the other safety devices already present on the machine, such as:

  • Sound-insulated blade guard, fully covering the blade
  • Anti-return device
  • Dimensioned work bench
  • Motor overload protection and emergency stop button
  • Self-braking motor
  • Dimensioned rear guard
equipment, safety, certifications

Yes, in the range of Maggi feed units, the STEFF SUPERSONIC 3 and 4 models have variable speed with an electronic inverter.

equipment, technical details

The drill bit length to use, in order to reach the maximum drilling depth (65 mm) with the Maggi BORING SYSTEM single-head boring machine, is 85 mm.

You can verify this data by reading the information on the SPIRAL SYSTEM device, which allows for quick setting of the drilling depth on all Maggi single-head boring machines. See the attached photo.

adjustment, technical details

For the lubrication of the heads of the multi-spindle boring machines , we recommend using EP 2 type grease. We advise checking the optimal lubrication level every 500 hours of operation.

use and maintenance, usage tips

Attached are instructions and images to correctly perform the lubrication of the drilling head of the multi-spindle boring machines ...

use and maintenance, consultancy

The attached image shows the necessary workspace ...

use and maintenance, dimensions, usage tips, consultancy

The attached image shows the necessary workspace...

use and maintenance, dimensions, usage tips, consultancy

Yes, Maggi radial saws, CE version, are equipped with a blade guard cover and a rear protection guard, which have connection holes (suction ports) to which a suction device/system can be connected. There are a total of 3 connection points: one on the blade guard cover with a diameter of 60 mm and two on the rear guard, both with a diameter of 100 mm, see also attached image for greater clarity."

equipment, safety

Yes, it is possible to apply a hydraulic brake on request, but only on BEST 700 S and BEST 960 S models, in order to make the blade feed smoother during cutting operations and thus avoid "jolts" during processing in case the blade encounters "knots" in the wood.

accessories, options

Automatic feeders are an indispensable safety device:

- They ensure the operator's safety.

- They guarantee precise operations with consistent quality on every piece.

- They provide higher productivity compared to manual pushing by an operator.




Models: Steff 2034 / Steff 38 SMART / Steff 2038 / Steff 20316 POWER / VARIOSTEFF 3 / STEFF SUPERSONIC 3 / STEFF 2033 / STEFF 2032 Hobby

•    For simple machining of small wooden frames, rods, and profiles

•    Guarantees maximum precision with 2 entry rollers that pull the piece and 1 roller that holds it at the exit


Models: Steff 2044 / Steff 48 SMART / Steff 2048 / VARIOSTEFF 4 / STEFF SUPERSONIC 4

•    For more complex machining, significant material removal on medium and large wooden profiles

•    Guarantees maximum precision with 2 rollers pulling the piece at entry and 2 rollers holding it at exit


Model: Steff 2068

•    For the most complex machining, significant material removal on large wooden beams

•    Guarantees maximum precision with 3 rollers pulling the piece at entry and 3 rollers holding it at exit

According to the type of processing, we recommend having an additional support that further assists during the feeding process ( See the product sheet of Steff 2068 - The accessories)


Model: Steff 2038-CI

•    Indicated for machining narrow and short pieces

•    Guarantees maximum precision and adherence to the surface thanks to 3 continuous tracks

•    Versatile, can also be used for standard machining


4 Fixed Speeds 4 – 8 – 11 – 22 mt/min forward and backward Professional Machine Models STEFF2034 – STEFF2044 - Motor 1 HP / 0.75 with Sized STAND

4 Fixed Speeds 4 – 8 – 9 - 18 mtmin– model STEFF 2032 – Motor 0.24 HP / 0.18 KW with REDUCED dimensions for HOBBYIST machines

8 Fixed Speeds 2 - 4 - 5.5 - 6.5 - 11 - 13 - 16.5 - 33 m/min forward and backward Professional Models STEFF2038 and 2038 SMART – STEFF2048 and 2048 SMART - STEFF 2038-CI and STEFF 2068 - Motor 1 HP / 0.75 KW with Sized STAND

8 Fixed Speeds 3.2 - 6.3 - 8.3 - 12.5 - 16.7 - 25 - 32 - 63  mt/min – model STEFF 2033 – Motor 1 HP / 0.75 KW COMPACT dimensions for SEMI-PROFESSIONAL machines

SPEEDS are chosen based on the type of work done most frequently

•    Lower speeds are ideal for important machining for better piece holding and greater work accuracy (2 - 4 - 5.5 - 6.5 mt/min)

•    Higher speeds are ideal for simpler machining that can be done at higher speeds (8 -11 - 13 - 16.5 - 33)

Models with VARIABLE SPEEDS forward and backward satisfy the needs of those who must frequently change the type of machining and relative feed speed

MECHANICAL VARIATOR - models VARIOSTEFF3 and VARIOSTEFF4 - ranges from 3 to 18 mt/min and up to 33 m/min with high-speed kit (accessory) 

Professional Models Motor 1 HP / 0.75 KW with Sized STAND

•    Speed adjustment is obtained by rotating the knob on the body

ELECTRONIC VARIATOR - models SUPERSONIC 3 and SUPERSONIC 4 - ranges from 0.5 to 25 mt/min and up to 33 m/min with high-speed kit (accessory)

Professional Models Motor 1 HP / 0.75 KW with Sized STAND

•    Speed adjustment is obtained by rotating the knob on the digital display

comparisons, Rollers, usage tips, consultancy

All professional feeders can be positioned with the stand base also to the right of the tool, without requiring additional devices. The STEFF 2033 and STEFF 20316 POWER models can be positioned with the stand base also to the right of the tool, only by applying an accessory called "double joint" identified by code 41400012. The STEFF 2032 model CANNOT be positioned with the base to the right of the tool."

positioning, adjustment, stand unit, universal stand , cross-shaped support , foot, accessories, options, equipment

No, it is not possible to install motors with a higher number of kW on Maggi feeders. Attached is a table with the standard motor specifications for various models

motors, voltages, equipment, technical details

The cutting length, when working with the blade tilted at 45°, might be slightly reduced compared to cutting with the blade at 90° (maximum possible variation - 300 mm). For a more detailed assessment, we invite you to contact our commercial consulting office

technical details, consultancy

View the attached video...

assembling, use and maintenance, equipment, Documents, consultancy

The hinge aggregates that we offer as accessories, in order to make the 3 holes necessary for the application of classic door hinges in a single work cycle, can be applied to the drilling heads of the following Maggi drilling machines: 









comparisons, accessories, options

The motors of the Maggi radial saws work at 2,800 rpm; this feature is suitable for both cutting wood and thin aluminum profiles; in this second case, however, the operator must be careful to fit blade tools suitable for cutting metal, as recommended by his trusted supplier.

motors, equipment, recommended tools, consultancy

The drilling aggregates for hinges and for Cabineo can be applied to all traditional Maggi drilling machines, EXCEPT THE BORING SYSTEM 46

comparisons, accessories, options

See comparative table in the attached images ...

comparisons, technical details

Attached You can view the comparative technical data sheet of the Maggi radial saws ... 

comparisons, technical details

The total work cycle time with the Cabineo software depends on the set drilling speed, and is:

  • 22 seconds at the lowest speed
  • 16 seconds at medium speed
  • 10 seconds at the highest speed"
accessories, options, software

The aggregate for creating Cabineo joint holes must be positioned at the 3 points on the drilling head where the slots for large-sized drill bits are located, as can be seen in the attached image.

accessories, options, usage tips, consultancy

Radial saws are essential machines in every woodworking and artisan carpentry workshop for cutting and slicing at 45° and diagonally Left 45°~ Right 45°. Wooden beams, frames, baseboards, parquet, stairs, pallets, wooden packaging, chipboard, MDF and similar materials

Strong Points

1.    Compactness: its dimensions are ideal for small workshops

2.    Ease of use

3.    Speed: always ready to work, quick setup

4.    Flexibility

5.    Valid complement to a squaring machine

The advantage of working with a radial saw is that the operator can observe the blade while performing cutting operations and has full control over the processing, which favors the optimal result of the finished product.


To choose the most suitable model, one must consider both the height of the piece to be cut and its minimum and maximum width. To choose the motor power, one must also evaluate the hardness and thickness of the material. 

Below is the reference table for cutting capacity / motor power.

comparisons, consultancy

The characteristics and performance of the 5 models that make up the Maggi BORING SYSTEM single-head drilling machine family are very similar. The specific features to consider when choosing the ideal model for your needs are showed in the attached table ...

comparisons, consultancy

ATEX certification is a European directive that applies to equipment that can be used in potentially explosive environments.

Maggi products, particularly the motors used, are not ATEX certified.

For more information, you can contact our customer service office at 

motors, certifications

You can identify each spare part within the spare parts area on the website at the following link: 

Identifying a spare part is easy; the website has a "spare parts identification" function that can be accessed from various points on the site: at the top of each page on the bar, from the HOME page, and through the MENU in the section dedicated to "SPARE PARTS" (as shown in the attached image), as well as in the "SUPPORT" - "after-sales support" section at the bottom of the contact area.

Once you are in the "spare parts identification" function, simply enter the machine code in the search box, and the corresponding exploded views with the codes for all the spare parts will appear. To find out the price of each spare part, you can contact our service directly via email at or by calling +39 0571 635 433, or you can ask the nearest MAGGI dealer; you can find them on the dealer map on the website at the following link:

spare parts

To print or download the text and image contents of the product sheet, simply click on the .pdf link located below the main image of the product of interest (as shown in the attached image); then you can decide, within your printing program, whether to proceed with printing the document directly (the print quality will depend on your settings) or to create the PDF file (the .pdf file is quite large due to the presence of many images; for sending the document via email, it is recommended to save the document using the "save PDF with reduced size" option).


Maggi guarantees the availability of spare parts for up to 10 years from the product's manufacturing date.

For spare parts older than 10 years, availability is not guaranteed; you can send a request to our after-sales service ( ) specifying the machine code in question, the year of manufacture, and including a photo of the product and the component for which you are requesting the spare part.

spare parts

The tolerance for the indicated voltages is ±10%.

motors, voltages

To allow the Maggi consultants to evaluate if a certain processing is feasible with one of their machines, I need to provide the following information and data:

  • Dimensions of the workpiece (width, length, thickness, weight)
  • Material (MDF panel, particleboard, plywood... solid wood... etc.)
  • Type of processing to be performed (please send drawing or PDF file)
  • Required productivity (number of pieces per day/week)
  • Type of finished product and possibly a photo of it

compatibility, usage tips, consultancy

At the time of order, it is possible to request a motor with a different voltage from the standard one (400V - 50 Hz - 3PH), or in single-phase version (only for products that allow it), but it is not possible to have a more powerful motor."

motors, voltages, equipment, technical details



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